Spiced Egg and Spinach Breakfast Sandwich

Our very typical teenage son is hungry all day long so we like to send him off at the start of the day with a healthy meal. This recipe is one he asks for often. As we like to tell everyone, The Original spice blend goes with just about anything, and it works very well on any egg dish. This recipe is for one serving, but increase amounts accordingly with the number of people you hope to serve.


1 English muffin

1 egg

Small handful of baby spinach, finely chopped


Cheese is optional

1/4 teaspoon Little Bottles The Original Spice Blend


Lightly toast the English muffin. Butter lightly when done.

In a small bowl, whisk the egg and add The Original Spice Blend (add more or less to taste).

In a small sauté pan, melt 2 teaspoons of butter over a medium high heat. Throw in the spinach and quickly wilt the spinach. Add the egg mixture and quickly stir the egg and spinach together. A technique we learned to scramble an egg, is to use the handle end of a wooden spoon to stir the egg mixture as it is cooking. It will cook quickly on a medium high heat and we keep the wooden handle moving. (For some reason, the egg moves around it and it scrambles very well.) The moment there is no more liquid, remove from heat. This usually takes less than a minute.

Pile the scrambled egg and spinach on the toasted English muffin and serve hot. If desired, add thinly sliced or grated cheese on the egg before putting on the muffin top. Enjoy!
